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《双面希区考克》好看不?Double Take怎么评价?

发布时间:2021-08-12 14:44:07

《双面希区考克》Double Take 电影前言

《双面希区考克 Double Take》好看吗? 纪录片 比利时,德国,荷兰 / 80分钟 2010-01-13中国大陆上映 Director Johan Grimonprez casts Alfred Hitchcock as a paranoid history professor, unwittingly caught up in a double take on the cold


  • 纪录片
  • 比利时,德国,荷兰 / 80分钟
  • 2010-01-13中国大陆上映




全部 导演 约翰·格蒙佩雷兹 演员 Ron Burrage 饰:Hitchcock Double 德尔菲纳·巴福特 饰:Waitress Mark Perry 饰:Hitchcock Voice


Director Johan Grimonprez casts Alfred Hitchcock as a paranoid history professor, unwittingly caught up in a double take on the cold war period. Subverting a meticulous array of TV footage and using 'The Birds' as an essential metaphor, DOUBLE TAKE traces catastrophe culture's relentless assault on the home, from moving images' inception to the present day.



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