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《汪汪队立大功之喷气机救援》电影Paw Patrol: Jet To The Rescue影评及详情

发布时间:2021-08-12 16:42:42

《汪汪队立大功之喷气机救援》Paw Patrol: Jet To The Rescue 电影前言

《汪汪队立大功之喷气机救援 Paw Patrol: Jet To The Rescue》好看吗? 家庭 美国 / 56分钟 2020-09-08美国上映 When the scheming Duke steals a levitation gem from the castle, PAW Patrol must come to rescue before the town is lost


  • 家庭
  • 美国 / 56分钟
  • 2020-09-08美国上映




全部 导演 Charles E. Bastien


When the scheming Duke steals a levitation gem from the castle, PAW Patrol must come to rescue before the town is lost forever. High-flying adventures to save a stunt pilot, one of Mayor's kittens, and Skye to fly to Jake's Mountain.


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