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发布时间:2021-08-12 17:42:04

《我们的婚礼》俺っちのウエディング 电影前言

《我们的婚礼 俺っちのウエディング》好看吗? 喜剧 悬疑 日本 / 104分钟 1983-04-29日本上映 On her wedding day, Makiko is stabbed by a woman in wedding dress. The wound isnt serious but the attacker blows herself up and cant be iden


  • 喜剧 悬疑
  • 日本 / 104分钟
  • 1983-04-29日本上映




全部 导演 根岸吉太郎 演员 时任三郎 饰:Tsutomu Omura 宫崎美子 饰:Makiko Ogura 美保纯 饰:Tokiko Ota 伊武雅刀 饰:Hiroshi Okamura


On her wedding day, Makiko is stabbed by a woman in wedding dress. The wound isn't serious but the attacker blows herself up and can't be identified. The attacker is thought to be an ex-girlfriend of Tsutomu, the groom. He gives two names to the police but these two are still alive. But there is still one woman in Tsutomu's mind...



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