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《长津湖大突围》电影Uncommon Courage: Breakout at Chosin影评及详情

发布时间:2021-08-12 14:11:13

《长津湖大突围》Uncommon Courage: Breakout at Chosin 电影前言

《长津湖大突围 Uncommon Courage: Breakout at Chosin》好看吗? 纪录片 战争 美国 / 44分钟 2010-05-31美国上映 In 1950, he led five hundred Marines through a blizzard to save eight thousand more from certain capture. But his


  • 纪录片 战争
  • 美国 / 44分钟
  • 2010-05-31美国上映






In 1950, he led five hundred Marines through a blizzard to save eight thousand more from certain capture. But his greatest victory may have been changing the way our country regards Asian Americans. Meet Lt. Chew-Een Lee, whose patriotism and bravery ushered in a new era in the Marines...and in America. (Special thanks to the City and County of San Francisco)


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